来马大(马来亚大学)的话, 可以坐大巴去布特拉广场或者唐人街那边, 因为学校有提供bus服务.那里有很多好玩的地方. (我住布特拉) 附近有个植物园很好玩.然后就是植物园旁边有一个公园叫Taman Negara. 周末的时候很多人在那里露营什么的. 在校门口就有很多巴士直达. 但是我不推荐在周末去那里因为人太多了而且会很嘈杂.
(我是说对中国人来说) 我觉得还是工作日比较好, 人比较少也比较安静. 在植物园旁边还有一个瀑布,不过我忘了具体名字了-_-|
再往下走一点到jalan tamil那一带就有很多的印度商店, 和一些卖印度食物的饭店.
如果想去商场之类的那就建议坐轻轨吧LRT 虽然时间比较长但是比较便宜, 而且车也比较新. LRT里面也提供wifi的所以坐个一小时左右应该没问题了吧... 个人喜欢坐puchong方向的车, 会经过一个很大的超市叫Aeon Giant, 里面东西还挺多的还有火锅可以吃哈哈~! 再往下坐就到klcc了. klcc里面有电影院, 也有购物中心什么的还有摩天轮. 晚上九十点钟的时候摩天轮就会开灯然后还会放音乐呢.周围也有很多高档餐厅和酒吧
(比如The Lounge, The Bar等等) 对啦对了! 之前逛淘宝的时候看到一家店是卖马来西亚特产零食的.店主还开了微博,叫@榴莲派小姐.她家的巧克力饼干真的好好吃啊!!
话说lots of people mentioned about KLCC... But actually there are many other places that you can try out for sightseeing in this city :D Here is the list:
1, Jamek mosque It's not too far from your campus and I believe it will be a good place to start off with as most mosques here has an interesting history behind them :) Not only it has a beautiful design, but also quite historic! So if you don't mind walking around, do go check it out after uni/work on weekdays :)
2, Berjaya Time Square :D If you live really close by at Block D, B or C then you won't need any transport because all those blocks have direct linkway going into Berjaya Times Square! There is so much to explore inside BTX including malls & arcades plus the outdoor area where they always hold events such as live music concert! You might even find something cool during their sales time which happens every month So why not take a trip down one weekend day?
3, Sunway Lagoon Theme Park This is pretty famous among locals especially if they haven't been abroad before since it includes water park, amusement rides, zoo, wildlife park AND theme park in just one ticket price!! What more could u ask for lol! If you plan ahead and look online when tickets go on sale, there would usually be some deal going along with discounted rates! My friends went last year and said its worth it!
4, Titiwangsa Ski Centre For those who like snowboarding / skiing 这儿绝对是首选之地! Because the