1、大本钟 大本钟楼(Big Ben)位于英国首都伦敦的泰晤士河畔,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。钟楼建于1859年,原名为“威斯敏斯特大钟”,因塔尖横剖面呈字母“U”形而得名“大本钟”。 20世纪70年代后,由于钟声缺乏活力且音量不足,大本钟开始被电鸣钟取代,但每天凌晨仍会敲响一次,以报时和提醒人们迎接新的一天。
2、白金汉宫 白金汉宫(Bucking ham Palace)是英国王室皇家住所兼办公所在地。这里曾经居住过69位英国国王和王后以及现在的女王伊丽莎白二世,至今仍是英国君主实际上居住的居所。
3、圣保罗大教堂 Saint Paul's Cathedral, London is a Anglican cathedral , the largest church building in Britain and one of the tallest buildings in London. It is located on Ludgate Hill, the highest point in central London, giving it an impressive panoramic view of city center below; at night when lit up against the dark sky, its dome looks spectacular. The current cathedral was built between 1675 and 1710 to a design by Sir Christopher Wren, which replaced an earlier church on this site. This is a must-see place for any visitor to London due to its historical importance; however, be warned that you will need to climb some steep steps (over 500!) to reach the main door from the street below, so wear sturdy shoes. If you have limited time or don’t feel like climbing all those stairs, take a tour inside with a guide and learn about the history of St.Paul’s as well as seeing some of the interesting details within and outside the building including some sculptures made out of human bones!
4、伦敦眼 伦敦眼,又称千禧之轮,位于英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是一个垂直摩天轮,为伦敦的新地标及游客到伦敦的首选观光地点。它拥有世界最大的观景舱,每个透明舱室可以容纳八名游客并配有空调。伦敦眼于1999年开始兴建至2000年12月完成,在2000年12月31日零时举行开灯仪式。 其内部有32个全透明观景舱,从最高处可以俯瞰整个城市风光。乘坐伦敦眼一圈大约需要15分钟的时间,运行一周一共要停靠7次。