

1.George Washington's estate at Mt Vernon, VA (乔治·华盛顿位于弗吉尼亚的庄园) 2.U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis MD (美国海军学院,有参观项目)3.National Zoological Park, Wash DC (国家动物园)4.Ford’s Theater and Lincoln Memorial, WDC(福特剧院和林肯纪念堂)5.Newseum(新闻博物馆6.Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Virginia (阿灵顿国家公墓7.U.S. Air Force Museum, Dayton Ohio (美国空军博物馆8.Smithsonian Institution Building , WDC (史密森尼博物院9.White House,WDC (白宫)

10.Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, WDC (越战纪念碑11.Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum St. Michaels Md .(切萨皮克湾海事博物馆St.Michaels Md .) Chesapeake bay is about an hour drive from washington Dc by car or boat. You will find many interesting place to stop over during your way there if you have time such as a lighthouse museum, oyster house , etc...The maritime museum itself has good exhibits on the local history of fishing industry but also offers sailing trips for kids so it can be something fun too even though it might not seem like much interestning for children. The museum actually located near where George Bush Sr was born, he would go out to his family farm every weekend with his dad when they were young. So sometimes, you will see people wearing their bush campaign t-shirts walking through the streets of small town while visiting this area. If you want to do some hiking , one nearby national park is Assateague Island National Seashore which famous because you can ride horses along its beach. I did that once myself with my friend who just moved here last year after getting married, very nice view since most of the seashore looks like ocean front property. It is only about half day trip away from dc , so make sure you plan accordingly since driving down south can become crazy busy around summertime. There are ferry services going back and forth everyday between Maryland side and Virgini a southend, we thought it was pretty neat experience although we got stuck in traffic jam outside of the island waiting for our turn. Other things worth noting: In Maryland, Baltimore is famous for its art collection including Edgar allen poe grave site; In west virgin


1.白宫(The White House) 美国的象征,当然要去打卡的呀~ 位于美国首都华盛顿DC市中心地区,是世界上首屈一指的总统府邸。 2017年4月5日特朗普成为第45任美国总统之后第一次在官方活动中进入该建筑居住。 而此前奥巴马政府曾将这间房子进行整修并重新配置家具,作为新政府的办公室使用,直到2017年1月20日特朗普就任才开始进驻其中办公。 所以题主可以关注一下哦~ 2.杰斐逊纪念堂 纪念美国第三任总统杰斐逊的陵园。他是一名政治家、《独立宣言》起草者与第二任总统。这里也是他在世时的故居。 杰斐逊喜欢大自然和户外,所以在墓园里还有一座风景怡人的公园呢。

3.国家航空航天博物馆 美国国家航空航天博物馆坐落于乔治·布什国际机场内,是一座致力于探索太空及其对人类影响的国家级非盈利性机构。 里面有很多关于航空史的展览,包括人类首次登陆月球的实物展示,以及一些电影片段等;也有火箭发动机,飞机和航天器模型等。适合对太空感兴趣的朋友前往参观哦!
