我把我自己写的旅游攻略贴上来好了,最近刚好在写这个东西呢 - 这些景点都在安省(安省的东部和西部区别比较大),离Toronto都不太远,有些就在1小时左右车程内 (其实安省还有很多很不错的自然景观,比如Algonquin Park, Bruce Peninsula, Georgian Bay等等...但是太远了,至少2小时+,而且那些地方主要是野营、钓鱼之类的,不适合旅游。)
A: Niagara Falls. 我觉得这已经是全世界都知道的了。 当然啦!Niagara是很棒的地方~不过现在好多游客都是冲着那个Water Ride去的了= = 其实Niagara Falls可以玩一整天,坐船进瀑布里面去,然后还有那种直升机可以带你们从空中飞过瀑布,然后再飞回来~反正挺好玩的,值得一玩。 (要住的话就住在Niagra Fills或者Niagaraville吧,比较便宜一点。)
B: Muskoka. Muskoka是安省东部的一个小湖区,那里有很多漂亮的小镇。推荐你去Mackenzie King Estate和Baysville逛逛~(这两个地方都离Georgian Bay很近的! 可以一起去了~)
C: Toronto Zoo, Ripley's Aquarium and Canada's Wonderland are all close together in Vaughan, just north of Toronto. These three places can occupy a whole summer for any family! And it is also not far from the CN Tower and Harbourfront area if you want to take day trips there too :) You could stay at one of those hotels in North York, which would be very convenient near these attractions: Ramada Plaza North York, Best Western Plus Maple Leaf Hotel or Residence & Conference Centre Yorkville. 加拿大游乐场Canadas Wonder land是一个很大很大的游乐园,里面有各种娱乐设施,有各种表演,还有水上公园什么的~~~ Ripleys Aquarium是个水族馆来着。
D: Niagara on The Lake. Niagar on the lake is right across the river from Niagara falls but its more like a small town rather than huge touristy place like Niagara Falls itself! There are lots of nice restaurants here, shops and galleries so definitely worth spending some time walking around. Staying overnight will make your trip even better since everything closes early! I recommend staying somewhere along Queen Street West. Or you might try this B&B called "Windsor Arms" that was recommended by my friend. Her husband worked there as an engineer before he came over to canada :) It looks really nice! :)